Free "Rolie Flower" Easy And Impressive Jelly Roll Pattern From Riley Blake!

This is one of the most versatile jelly roll patterns - perfect in Christmas colors, black & white, and ANY combo of gorgeous florals to name just a few possibilities!

It's also a great way to show off a variety of your favorite fabrics - so many gorgeous fabrics can have a piece of the spotlight! 
To make Rolie Flower, you'll need 40 strips of fabrics you love, and a 2 1/2 yard cut of white (or other contrast fabric) for the background!
Shop Riley Blake here - on blowout special today (12/25/24!) - huge selection available for 40-50% off! Shop contrast fabrics here - this one would also look amazing against snow, ash grey or black!

Click here to go to the "Rolie Flower" Jelly Roll Pattern From Riley Blake!